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Find out what's included in our Easter delivery for families with disabilities or pickup for low-income families without disabilities.
Kindness is giving hope to those who think they are alone! This year we're trying to help 400 kids ages 2-12, so we need to raise $5000.
Learn about how to receive our Easter Delivery and how to register if anyone in your family has a disability, mental health challenges, are a senior or homeless.
Learn about how & where to register if you're a low-income family without any disability or mental health challenge.
March 29th & 30th... Take-a-peek at this year's Easter gifts!
As an organization, Toronto Cares tries to lift the spirits of low-income families especially with disabilities. This Easter, we'll be sending out gifts for children ages 2-12.
Online registration for families with disabilities, mental health challenges, seniors & homeless... All other families must register in-person.
For only $12.50/child, you can provide a family with Easter gifts... but more importantly a feeling of hope, support & love!
This year we're trying to serve 400 kids, so we need to raise approximately $5000.
Please donate... even the smallest contributions help!!!
Please ONLY REGISTER if you meet the criteria...
East: 29th @ 1pm-4pm
West: 30th @ 12pm-3pm
We have 2 locations for registration and pick-up... You must register at the same location you want to pickup at.
EAST END: Danforth Mennonite Church: 2174 Danforth Ave (east of Woodbine Ave)
WEST END: Fairbank Memorial Community Center: 2213 Dufferin St (south of Eglinton Ave)
Registration → March 16th
West End: 9am-12pm
East End: 2pm-5pm
Gift Pick-Up → March 29th or 30th
East End: 29th @ 12pm-4pm
West End: 30th @ 11am-3pm
Please mark the dates in your calendar because there will be no make-up times or locations, no exceptions!
EAST END: Danforth Mennonite Church: 2174 Danforth Ave (east of Woodbine Ave)
WEST END: Fairbank Memorial Community Center: 2213 Dufferin St (south of Eglinton Ave)
Last Minute Registration & Gift Pick-Up:
East End: 29th @ 12pm-4pm
West End: 30th @ 11am-3pm
CRA Charitable Number: 736496076RR0001
Dufferin St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada*
647-451-FOOD (3663)
Monday-Saturday 8am-7pm
*Mailing address: please visit the 'Contact Us' page
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